Personalization has revolutionized digital marketing, delivering custom-designed experiences for various audience segments. Learn how personalization can revolutionize the online gambling experience for your customers and, in the process, transform the online gaming industry itself.
As Forbes’ Blake Morgan pointed out, 74 percent of customers “feel frustrated when website content is not personalized.” It’s no wonder, then, that 91 percent of them prefer to do business with brands that provide recommendations and offers relevant to their needs.
For companies in the online gambling space, personalization is a must to stay ahead of the curve. In fact, I would argue that a custom-tailored experience is even more critical for gaming.
After all, our customers are there to forget their troubles and have a great time betting on their favorites. Here are four ways that you can personalize the online gambling experience for your customers.
Use Data to Build a Profile of Each Gamer
Take a deep dive into your site’s analytics to look at your players’ actions, preferences, and on-site behavior. Leverage that data, as Digital Information World advises, to create individual profiles.
In these profiles, include their game preferences, length of play, winning statistics, and other relevant data. Then, you can use that information to show them opportunities that will interest them.
Personalize Welcome and Other Messages
Even first-time gamers must register before they begin to play. Since you have at least their name, use it to create a sense of belonging. As soon as they sign up, welcome them with a personalized message that includes their first name.
As HubSpot’s Erik Devaney points out, a “unique reaction in the brain” occurs upon a person’s recognition of their first name. It activates several areas of the brain at the same time, prepping the person for action.
That’s exactly where you want them to be as they prepare to spend their hard-earned money on your site. The more you use their name, the more loyal they’ll likely be to your site.
Use Custom Home Pages to Deliver Personalized Gaming Experiences
Many online gambling sites use their customers’ data to show them games that they’ve played before – especially those they’ve spent significant time and money on. As Digital Information World points out, doing so gives them an online experience similar to a brick-and-mortar casino.
Just as the greeter in their local casino would usher them to their favorite games, your virtual greeter can do likewise. As augmented reality technology matures, these personalized greetings can take on a more realistic look.
Reward Customer Loyalty with Bonuses and Elite Members-Only Games
Supermarkets, airlines, hotels, and other retail stores often provide their customers with loyalty cards. The more they spend, the more points they earn toward merchandise. Online gaming casinos can do likewise, creating special games where only members who have played a specific number of games (or spent a given amount of money) can play.
Or, you could simply give them a certain amount of bonus credits toward regular games. Either way, you’re providing them with a personalized experience that makes them feel like you’re an establishment that appreciates their business.
One thing is sure. Casinos that personalize the online gambling experience for their customers will be well ahead of the game in 2021 and the coming years. Add personalization to your customer experience and marketing toolbox, and your company will differentiate itself from its competitors.