Celebrating Innovation: Nominations Open for Top 30 US Partnership Marketing Change Makers

The landscape of partnership marketing in the United States and North America is incredibly dynamic, marked by an impressive array of professionals driving innovation and excellence. Recognizing the pivotal role these individuals play, we are thrilled to announce the call for nominations for this year’s Top 30 US Partnership Marketing Change Makers. Following two highly successful events, it’s time to shine a spotlight on the talent propelling this industry forward.

  • Key Takeaway One: Seeking nominations for individuals revolutionizing partnership marketing in the US/North America.
  • Key Takeaway Two: Open to a wide range of roles within the ecosystem, emphasizing diversity and innovation.
  • Key Takeaway Three: Nomination criteria focus on impact, innovation, and contribution to the partnership marketing landscape.

Making a Choice Among the Stellar

Compiling this list is no small feat. The partnership marketing sector is teeming with professionals who are not only excelling in their roles but are also setting new benchmarks for success and innovation. Our aim is to curate a list that reflects the breadth of talent, dedication, and ingenuity present in this space. While we acknowledge that there's enough talent to fill many such lists, our focus remains on highlighting those who are truly making a difference.

Who Should Be Nominated?

We are looking for the trailblazers, the visionaries, and the rising stars. Whether it's the exceptional team member whose strategies are transforming the landscape, the peer whose work is a source of inspiration, or the newcomer disrupting the status quo – we want to hear about them. Our list is inclusive of various roles within the partnership marketing ecosystem, from influencers and creators to tech providers and network professionals. The key criteria? They must be based in the US or North America and epitomize innovation and success in partnership marketing.

Diversity and Inclusion at the Forefront

Our commitment to diversity and fair representation is unwavering. Nominees should span all levels of seniority, come from diverse demographics, companies, and sectors, and represent the rich tapestry of the industry in terms of gender, experience, race, and age.

How to Nominate

Nominating someone is a chance to recognize their contributions and impact. Reflect on their innovation, leadership, and the tangible differences they've made in the partnership marketing field. Remember, we do not accept self-nominations, and there is no fee involved in the nomination process.

Deadline for Nominations

Mark your calendars – nominations will close on Friday 21st June at 11:59 PM. This is your opportunity to help us spotlight those who are not just part of the industry but are actively shaping its future.

Thank you for joining us in this endeavor to celebrate excellence and innovation in partnership marketing. Your nominations play a crucial role in ensuring we honor the best and the brightest who are steering the industry towards new heights.

Let's come together to recognize and applaud the pioneers and innovators who are setting the pace and driving change in the partnership marketing landscape across the US and North America.

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